Ready For Rotationals
Recused from Reality; a Roller Rink Ready for Rotationals
Recused from Reality; a Roller Rink Ready for Rotationals
With the holiday hustle showing signs of an end
And next year approaching, sitting just around the bend
Time to get ready for calendar swaps
Milestone marked by depressurizing pops
Maybe a resolution, then again, maybe not
There’s always something to tweak - is it time to stir the pot?
To begin something new? To dare to be bold?
Or to keep a habit long held faithfully in the fold?
Starting can be tough - and ending’s not so easy
The thought of change can make some quite queasy
I’ll trust my gut, I’ll know what feels right
Then chart the next leg towards optimal delight
Reflective Radiance Revealed by Rain
Collective Climb via Columnar Conveyance
Java Jockys Purveying Productivity
Eager Aerials Wanting Work
Sweetly Slumbering and Savoring Saved Souls
Sleeping Swings Are Silent Till Spring