A Bit Of Grit
Elbow grease with a bit of grit
And determination to just do it
Preparation is always key
In completing a job successfully
Elbow grease with a bit of grit
And determination to just do it
Preparation is always key
In completing a job successfully
Salted steps are peppered for ice
Job's well done, presentation's nice
Hard Hatted Hydrant Hibernating in Heroism Haunted by Helplessness
Clearing the attic
Casting away
Lightening the load
Making the way
Deciding the keepers
Packing them well
Donating the rest
Declining to sell
Spurring memories
Processing once more
Smiling at many
Ignoring the bores
Healing some hurts
Ridding bad ballast
Gearing the future
Squaring the past
Interlaced interfaced interspaced randomness graced
Intersecting interconnecting intertwining quite divining
Fire has a most caustic caress
Responders rising above the stress
Tragedy's legacy, such a mess
Lives left living with much less
Offered help met with "God bless"
The Encyclopedia Brittanica
A construct now replaced
Manually captured knowledge
Paper bound with a leather face
Numbered volumes in aggregate
Scoring what humans have raced
Evolution trumps the status quo
Now physical delivery is effaced
To the internet's unbridled rise
Brittanica's bust can be traced
Creative destruction embodied by
The name WikipediA in boldface
Swaddled in dawn's early glowing, perched passengers in various states of knowing
Read MorePuddles Prove Problematic to Pedestrians In Particular
Omar got some paint one day
Didn't have many words to say
Graffiti mostly suits his style
Taunt the Man; make him rile
An ugly mix of snow and rain
Only enhances Omar's disdain
Processed food
Ripe for picking
Meticulously made
Absolutely addicting
The solar glow from the ceiling of our room has met its match with winter's gloom
Crammed in the train
Passengers complaining
Snow playing havoc
With commuter training
It's easy to gripe
With schedules cut
Patience a virtue?
Anything but
Where's the empathy?
They're trying their best
The women and men
Wearing railroad vests
Must go down to get up-town
Differing Degrees of Declination are Dependent on one's Location